Mapping Your Path to Success Webinar Series

This inspiring series will help you develop career skills and become successful in the workforce. Public speaking, self-management, teamwork, building relationships, and building a personal brand are just a few of the exciting topics we will covering. See below for more details about the twelve sessions.

Session 1: Boost Your Self-Awareness

This webinar introduces you to the concept of self-awareness - the first building block of emotional intelligence. Without being aware of and understanding your own emotions, vision, mission, values, and the legacy you would like to leave behind, it will be difficult for you to move into the other emotional competencies like self-management, social awareness, building relationships, and managing conflict. Hence, self-awareness is the first step toward maximizing and reaching your full potential. It will help you identify opportunities for professional development and personal growth.

Session 2: Effective Self-Management

This webinar builds on self-awareness from the first session. You are responsible for managing your time, energy, and resources to live a fulfilling life and for reaching the goals you set for yourself. Self-management has comprehensive effects, touching your present and future. Therefore, an effective plan has to include much more than just managing our daily affairs, and making choices on how to invest your limited resources. It must be fully aligned with your vision and mission in life.

Session 3: Social Intelligence: Mapping Your Path to Success

Remember, your quality of life and achievements depends in large part on the quality of your social experience. Find out what it is like to be all the way present with people and enjoy the reward of building long-term authentic relationships with people. This session is about mapping your path to success through developing your social intelligence.

Session 4: Building Extraordinary Relationships

In this session you are presented with the powerful principles to building extraordinary relationships. We cover how to align with other people, how to become a trusted partner, grow and maintain your network, and get the people around you to help you achieve your mission in life.

Session 5: The Art of Managing Conflicts

Conflict does not have to lead to derailment if you effectively manage the situation. This session shows you how to manage conflict in order to obtain positive results from negative situations. It presents you with a fresh perspective on how you look at differences to help you clarify your own position and better understand others. Learn how to thrive amidst a constantly changing environment and constant stream of chaos.

Session 6: How to Create a Powerful Personal Brand

Do you know what makes you different and special? Do you know your unique attributes? Learn how to build your personal brand and use your special values, passion, and strengths to distinguish yourself from others and translate it into professional success.

Session 7: Master the Art of Effective Listening

Richard Branson frequently quotes listening as one of the main factors behind the success of Virgin Airlines. Listening is a leadership responsibility that does not appear in the job description. Effective listening is a skill that underpins all positive human relationships; they are the building blocks of success. This webinar goes beyond how to give someone your full attention.  Learn how to use effective listening skills to build solid relationships, communicate effectively, and create positive impact.

Session 8: The Art of Persuasion & Influencing People

Most successful people are persuasion experts. Learn how to persuade and influence people to achieve greater personal power and get more of the things you want faster.

Session 9: The Power of Public Speaking

Public speaking is a skill worth learning. It could be the deciding factor in your career development, your personal growth, and in your relationships. This webinar will help you increase your self-confidence dramatically and boost your chance to get a better job opportunity, and effectively get your message across to a large audience

Session 10: Get Inspired

Inspiration awakens you to new possibilities. Learn to see new possibilities, and transform the way you perceive your own capabilities. Too much time is spent trying to please others; learn how to boost your creativity and confidence. Feel inspired to try new things without the worry of what others might think.

Session 11: Discovering the Magic of Teamwork

To put it simply, teams do not perform without teamwork. Discovering a synergistic way of working, maximizing strengths, and bringing out the best in each team member are key themes in this session.

Session 12: How to Communicate Effectively With Body Language

Studies show that the majority of our communication is achieved nonverbally and that it is far more accurate than are the words we use.  Therefore, it is crucial that we learn to use body language in order to become better communicators.  Learn to become more efficient in using your body language, use it to maintain your friendships and become hired.

About the Speaker: Malih Al Yaman is residing in Dubai, where he established the Young Leaders Development Program (YLDP) and is the current CEO. He previously founded and worked as General Manager at Kawader Training Services. Prior to that he worked in the banking industry in Canada, followed by founding the Lebanese Institute for Research and Economic Development, as well as working in a senior position in the hospitality industry in United Arab Emirates. In addition to holding professional positions he has also opened several successful businesses in Canada, Lebanon, and United Arab Emirates.