IT Essentials

由 Cisco Networking Academy 提供

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想像一下:裝設一台電腦,然後安全地連線至網路。這振奮人心的第一步可能會讓您成就報酬豐厚的 IT 事業。因為好的開始是成功的一半,所以無論您選擇哪何種 IT 領域,都必須學習合適的電腦基本知識。IT Essentials 課程不僅包含此等知識,更會分享初階 IT 工作所需的職業技能。此外,您還能盡情使用 Cisco Networking Academy 先進的模擬工具,並享有多次實際動手操作的機會,讓您實際磨練疑難排解技能,並立即學以致用!此外您還要準備考取 CompTIA A+ 認證。本課程不需任何事前準備或電腦知識。



Length Icon
70 小時
Cost Icon
Level Icon
水平: 中階
Learning type icon
學習類型: 講師引導
Achievements type icon
Achievements: Badge, Certification Aligned


Engaging learning experiences with interactive content such as practice labs, interactive activities, videos, and assessments along the way. Bring it all together and test what you learned with a final exam.

Prospective instructors image


Once enrolled, you have access to student forums where you can ask questions and interact with instructors and peers. Connect & network with classmates and alumni through our Facebook or LinkedIn communities.

Proof of Completion

Verification may come as a certificate of completion, statement of attendance, or a digital learning badge depending on the course. Share on social media or your resume to tell the world of your achievement.


IT Pathway

We live in a digital world. Have a look inside and discover opportunities. This pathway is a great place to start if you're a novice or if you aspire to become a system administrator.

Explore Pathway

Accelerate Your Career with Networking Academy

Not only does Networking Academy provide best-in-class courses, but programs that help you bridge what's possible after you complete your studies.

Gain Experience

Access ideas and advice on how to get valuable hands-on experience.

Women Rock-IT

Offers live broadcasts of young women using technology to forge exciting careers.

Talent Bridge

Provides free career advice and connects you to jobs via a Matching Engine.


Cisco Networking Academy is an IT skills and career building program for learning institutions and individuals worldwide. Self-paced courses are designed to take at your own pace, at any point in your career journey. For 20 years, Cisco Networking Academy has changed the lives of 12.7 million students in 180 countries by providing education, technical training, and career mentorship.